WERNECK, Max Rondon, MASTRANGELLI, A.; VELLOSO, R.; JERDY, H.; Carvalho, E. C. Q. Chronic Cystitis Associated with Plesiochorus cymbiformis (Rudolphi, 1819) Looss, 1901 (Digenea: Gorgoderidae) in a Loggerhead Turtle Caretta caretta (Linnaeus 1758) (Testudines, Cheloniidae) from Brazil: A Case Report JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY. , v.104, p.334 – 336, 2018.
This paper reports the first occurrence of Plesiochorus cymbiformis (Digenea: Gorgoderidae) in a loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta [Testudines, Cheloniidae]) in Brazil and describes the histological findings of related injuries to the urinary bladder.