Home / Max Werneck / Molecular evidence for resurrection of Plesiochorus elongatus (Digenea: Gorgoderidae): an urinary bladder parasite of sea turtles.

abr 8th


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WERNECK, Max Rondon, Hayes, P.M., Lawton, S.P.

Molecular evidence for resurrection of Plesiochorus elongatus (Digenea: Gorgoderidae): an urinary bladder parasite of sea turtles. PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2019. In press.


Trematodes of the genus Plesiochorus were recovered from the urinary bladder of a stranded female adult loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, on a beach in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Morphological analysis of the specimens revealed characteristics resembling the sub-species Plesiochorus cymbiformis elongatus rather than the recently synonymised Plesiochorus cymbiformis. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ITS2 region also showed that P. c. elongatus was distinct from P. cymbiformis and related taxa. Further analysis of the ITS2 revealed substantial differentiation between P. cymbiformis from the USA and Brazil and the newly sequenced P. c. elongatus from Brazil, while a previously unspecified Plesiochorus sp. from the USA closely related to the novel Brazilian P. c. elongatus was reconciled as a USA isolate of P. c. elongatus. Based on both the morphological and molecular data it is suggested that P. c. elongatus should be referred to as Plesiochorus elongatus and be considered as the second species in the genus.

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