WERNECK, Max Rondon, ; BACCO-MANNINA, N.; SANTOS-COSTA, P. C. Botaurus pinnatus (Wager, 1829) (Ave: Ardeidae) in Brazil as a new host of Clinostomum heluans Braun 1901 (Digenea: Clinostomidae). Helminthologia. , v.54, p.270 – 274, 2017.
This paper reports the occurrence of Clinostomum heluans Braun 1901 (Digenea: Clinostomidae) in a specimen of Botaurus pinnatus (Wager, 1829) (Ave: Ardeidae) found in southeastern Brazil. Although this parasite has been reported in other birds in Brazil, Cuba, the Czech Republic and Venezuela, this is the first report of B. pinnatus as a host for this parasite.