Home / Paula Baldassin / Cephalopods in the diet of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus, FORSTER, 1781) Found on the cost of Brazil.

ago 10th


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BALDASSIN, P., SANTOS, R. A., CUNHA, J. M. M., WERNECK, M. R., GALLO, H. Cephalopods in the diet of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus, FORSTER, 1781) Found on the cost of Brazil. Marine ornithology. v.38, p.55 – 57, 2010.

The present study describes the occurrence of cephalopods in the stomachs of 16 specimens of S. magellanicus found on the Brazilian coast in 2006. The specimens examined were live juveniles found on  the  northern  coast  of  the  state  of  São  Paulo  and  the  southern coast  of  the  state  of  Rio  de  Janeiro.  All  specimens  necropsied  contained  cephalopods. A  total  of  502 beaks were found, originating from three species of cephalopods, the  most  abundant  of  which  was  the  pelagic  octopus Argonauta nodosa Lightfoot,  1786  (95.8%  of  beaks),  followed  by  the  squid Loligoplei Blainville,  1823  (3.0%)  and  the  sepiolid Semirossia tenera Verril, 1880 (0.2%) (Table 1). Among the material analyzed, five  (1.0%)  of  the  beaks  from  squids  were  only  identified  to  the family level (Loliginidae).


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